Helping businesses with the Fair Work Act
Posted by Consulting Hall, my HR and PR advisers
on 1 April 2014
Consulting Hall is helping to ensure its business clients are compliant with the Fair Work Act, National Employment Standards (NES) and the Modern Award system.
Our tools provide consistency, clarity and guidance to employees regarding their obligations and expectations at work. They also give supervisors and managers the appropriate tools and resources to improve their management of your workforce.
As part of its operations Consulting Hall can tailor a full suite of policies and procedures to your business to address the following topics:
- Workings hours
- Attendance and dress standards at work
- Leave entitlements
- Workplace behaviour and code of conduct
- Performance management, including counselling and discipline
- Anti-discrimination, Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment
- Email and internet usage obligations
- Organisational confidentiality
- Conflict of interest and intellectual property
- Separation and termination
- Workplace health and safety and incident reporting
- Drugs and alcohol
- Smoke free workplace
- Don't leave your business at risk. Contact Consulting Hall for help.
Author:Consulting Hall, my HR and PR advisers